Life Settlements offer a unique opportunity to both the policyholder and the Advisor. We’re focused on educating and assisting Professional Advisors in the use and implementation of innovative Life Insurance and Life Settlement strategies.
As circumstances change, the ability to obtain cash from the sale of a life insurance policy can be particularly valuable and because Life Settlement proceeds are unrestricted, they can be used to fund a wide range of financial and estate planning objectives for your client.
We represent the policy owner/seller, whether that’s an Individual, Trustee or Company, and we act as their exclusive representative.
Our objective is to maximize the amount paid to your client at the end of the transaction while efficiently managing the documentation process.
The number of policies that are lapsed each year by baby boomers is astounding:
- More than 250,000 policies with a combined face value of more than $57 billion are lapsed or surrendered each year – and, if term policies are added, the total is more than $110 billion per year (Life Health Pro)
- That’s approximately 685 policies lapsed each day that may have additional value to your client
There is a real opportunity to separate yourself from other Advisors since most do not have any concrete knowledge regarding Life Settlements:
- Fully one-third of the advisors surveyed thought life settlements were only appropriate for people with a terminal illness or some other “special circumstances”
- In a recent Agent Media/Life Insurance Settlement Association (LISA) Life Settlement Market Study, nearly 25% of agents said that greater consumer awareness of life settlements would help them foster more settlement opportunities
- 89% of advisors have never recommended life settlements to their clients even though 48% self-described themselves as ‘familiar’ with Life Settlements
- A survey by the Insurance Studies Institute reported that less than 50% of seniors were aware about the option to sell their policy, but, 90% who had lapsed a policy would have considered selling it if they had known a life settlement was an option
To deliver for our clients, we partner with the most experienced and respected professionals across the finance spectrum, including:
- Certified Public Accountants
- Corporate Advisors, Including M&A, Restructuring and Bankruptcy
- Private Equity & Hedge Fund Professionals
- Charitable Organization and Non-profits
- Life Agents/Brokers/General Agents (GA)
- P+C agents
- Estate Planning Professionals
- Attorneys (Trust & Estate, Divorce, Corporate, Bankruptcy)
- Financial Advisors

Benefits to the Advisor:
- Use the proceeds to issue replacement coverage, annuities, long-term care or other client-appropriate financial products
- Offer a new value-added service to your clients which differentiates you from your competition
- Receive compensation from the Life Settlement transaction
- Reduce lapse rates


Who are ideal candidates for a Life Settlement?
- Click here to see if your client qualifies: